JD Vance roasts Har­ris on Wis­con­sin tar­mac for avoid­ing press, calls Air Force 2 his ‘future plane’

<div>JD Vance roasts Harris on Wisconsin tarmac for avoiding press, calls Air Force 2 his 'future plane'</div>

Sen­a­tor JD Vance, R‑Ohio, attempt­ed to con­front Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris over not answer­ing reporters’ ques­tions while both of their planes were on the tar­mac of a Wis­con­sin air­port on Wednesday.Vance, who is for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s run­ning mate, also told a press gag­gle at Chippe­wa Val­ley Region­al Air­port that he was try­ing to get a bet­ter look at Air Force Two because it’s “going to be my plane in a few months.“The Repub­li­can told reporters that he wor­ried Har­ris’ press gag­gle “might get a lit­tle lone­ly” because Har­ris does­n’t answer their questions.“Hey, guys. How are you?” Vance asked the group as he walked towards them. “I just want­ed to check out my future plane, but I also want­ed to go say hel­lo to the Vice Pres­i­dent and ask her why Kamala Har­ris refus­es… why d …