Kamala’s Nau­sea-Induc­ing Cam­paign Of ‘Joy’

There’s an attempt to make Kamala Har­ris a wild­ly attrac­tive and joy­ous can­di­date.
We’ve had a few key words from the Kamala Har­ris cam­paign, which have then been repeat­ed ad nau­se­um by their Prae­to­ri­an Guard in the media.
First, we had the word “weird” applied to Don­ald Trump and JD Vance. But it’s not “weird” for Har­ris to appear with drag queens or speak com­plete word coleslaw or ran­dom­ly dance with school­child­ren. We had two and a half weeks of “weird,” com­plete with sev­er­al lies about JD Vance.
Now, we have a new cam­paig …