Penn­syl­va­nia Democ­rats warm to Walz after Shapiro VP snub

Pennsylvania Democrats warm to Walz after Shapiro VP snub

PHILADELPHIA – Penn­syl­va­nia Democ­rats’ love of Gov. Josh Shapiro is not get­ting in the way of sup­port­ing Tim Walz, Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s run­ning mate pick.
At a ral­ly intro­duc­ing the new tick­et in Philadel­phia on Tues­day, atten­dees sound­ed recep­tive to Walz, the Min­neso­ta gov­er­nor who com­pet­ed with Shapiro to be Harris’s vice pres­i­dent.
Sev­er­al men­tioned his mil­i­tary back­ground – Walz served in the Nation­al Guard for 24 years – while his affa­ble man­ner won over atten­dees just start­ing to learn about him.
“I was like, who is this guy?” Gail Han­nah, 66, said of her first reac­tion to Walz, before not­ing his abil­i­ty to put the audi­ence at ease.
“I’m impressed with his cre­den­tials. I …