Repub­li­can Strate­gist SCHOOLS CNN Lib on the Fail­ures of Bide­nomics

Dur­ing a Mon­day morn­ing seg­ment of CNN News­room, host Jim Acos­ta invit­ed Repub­li­can strate­gist Sher­michael Sin­gle­ton and Demo­c­ra­t­ic strate­gist Maria Car­dona to dis­cuss the plum­met­ing stock mar­ket. As the episode pro­gressed, Acos­ta allowed Car­dona to insist on America’s eco­nom­ic strength and Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ polit­i­cal genius, prompt­ing Sin­gle­ton to expose the bla­tant fail­ures of Bide­nomics.
Acos­ta began with a grim review of the stock mar­ket decline, which he said was “fuel­ing fears of reces­sion amid a gl …