Social­ist group cel­e­brates Walz because he’s ‘proud’ to sup­port ‘rad­i­cal’ anti­semites: Cruz

<div>Socialist group celebrates Walz because he's 'proud' to support 'radical' antisemites: Cruz</div>

Repub­li­can Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Social­ists of Amer­i­ca cel­e­brat­ed Gov. Tim Walz as Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ run­ning mate because the Min­neso­ta Demo­c­rat is “proud” to stand with “rad­i­cal” anti­semites and left­ists. “There’s a rea­son the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Social­ists are cel­e­brat­ing him,” Cruz said on his pod­cast “Ver­dict” Wednesday.“There’s a rea­son, with­in min­utes of his being announced as VP, you know who tweet­ed out a tweet prais­ing it? Ilhan Omar, with a pic­ture of her next to him, say­ing what a fan­tas­tic choice this was. And lis­ten, you know, she’s from Min­neso­ta. She rep­re­sents the rad­i­cals in Min­neso­ta. He’s her gov­er­nor, and they’ve been strong, strong allies. He’s proud to stand with the …