Vance says Har­ris ‘bent the knee to the Hamas cau­cus’ by choos­ing Walz over Shapiro

<div>Vance says Harris 'bent the knee to the Hamas caucus' by choosing Walz over Shapiro</div>

Sen. JD Vance, R‑Ohio, is accus­ing Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris of capit­u­lat­ing to rad­i­cal left-wing voic­es in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty in choos­ing her run­ning mate for the Novem­ber election.“She bent the knee to the Hamas cau­cus of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty,” Vance said dur­ing a ral­ly in Eau Claire, Wis­con­sin, on Wednesday.He’s the lat­est GOP crit­ic to accuse Har­ris of choos­ing Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz as her run­ning mate against for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump and Vance over Josh Shapiro, because the Penn­syl­va­nia gov­er­nor is Jew­ish. For­mer Pres­i­dent Trump and House Speak­er Mike John­son, R‑La., have also made the claim.KAMALA HARRIS’ VP PICK TIM WALZ PREVIOUSLY CHARGED WITH DUI IN NEBRASKA“Whatever your views on Penn­syl­va­nia Gov. Josh Shapiro – and obvi­ous­ly he’s not in my polit­i­cal par­ty. He’s crit­i­cized me. I crit­i­cized him – the amount of rage that you heard from the far left say­ing, ‘Kamala Har­ris can’t pick this g …