Walz’s bank account is one more way Har­ris is count­ing on him to appeal to vot­ers

While politi­cians such as Reps. Nan­cy Pelosi (D‑CA), Mark Green (R‑TN), and dozens of oth­ers rake in high gains from stock invest­ments, Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s run­ning mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN), doesn’t own a sin­gle stock.
The mid­west­ern­er doesn’t have invest­ments in mutu­al funds, bonds, or pri­vate equi­ties, and nei­ther does his wife, Gwen, accord­ing to finan­cial dis­clo­sures. 
He doesn’t own any real estate. After being elect­ed gov­er­nor, Walz sold his home in Manka­to, Min­neso­ta, for below the ask­ing price.
Walz’s only invest­ments are in teacher and state pen­sions.
This is uncom­mon for a high-pro­file politi­cian, as many elect­ed offi­cials have turned to invest­ing in the stock mar­ket, book deals, and oth­er avenues to accu­mu­late their wealth. A report from 10 years ago …