Walz slammed for ‘hes­i­tat­ing’ to send in Guard as his daugh­ter tipped off riot­ers via social media

<div>Walz slammed for 'hesitating' to send in Guard as his daughter tipped off rioters via social media</div>

Min­neapo­lis May­or Jacob Frey was crit­i­cal of Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz’s response to the unrest in his city in May 2020, say­ing lat­er that year that the gov­er­nor hes­i­tat­ed to send the Nation­al Guard as the city burned in the after­math of George Floy­d’s death.Frey spoke out about Walz’s response dur­ing an August 2020 inter­view with the Star Tri­bune, telling the out­let his office made mul­ti­ple dire requests for Nation­al Guard resources to the gov­er­nor that were not grant­ed until after the city was forced to aban­don a besieged police precinct.Texts and emails obtained by the Star Tri­bune for the sto­ry seem­ing­ly cor­rob­o­rate Frey’s claim, show­ing that Frey first placed a call to Walz on Wednes­day, May 27, 2020, the sec­ond day of the unrest in Min­neapo­lis, at 6:39 p.m. and asked the gov …