After 2016 let­down, Har­ris revives Demo­c­ra­t­ic hopes for first ‘Madam Pres­i­dent’

After 2016 letdown, Harris revives Democratic hopes for first ‘Madam President’

Democ­rats are bet­ting they can trans­late a chang­ing cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal land­scape into a break-glass-ceil­ing moment for women after Hillary Clinton’s loss to Don­ald Trump in 2016.
Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s deci­sion to end his cam­paign and endorse Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris has giv­en a jolt to Democ­rats who ques­tioned his fit­ness for a sec­ond term. Her can­di­da­cy has even invit­ed com­par­isons to the his­to­ry-mak­ing run of Barack Oba­ma, the nation’s first black pres­i­dent. 
Har­ris has tak­en to call­ing her­self an “under­dog” in the ear­ly days of her cam­paign, and polling shows a tight­en­ing but dead-heat race for pres­i­dent.
But Democ­rats are hop­ing to keep her polit­i­cal hon­ey­moon going through Elec­tion Day, and they see enthu­si­asm in the prospect that she, too, could be a first …