Har­ris cam­paign changes Walz’s mil­i­tary biog­ra­phy after back­lash

Harris campaign changes Walz’s military biography after backlash

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s cam­paign qui­et­ly updat­ed Gov. Tim Walz’s (D‑MN) online biog­ra­phy after Repub­li­cans slammed its rep­re­sen­ta­tion of her run­ning mate’s mil­i­tary record. 
After Har­ris picked Walz to be her No. 2 on Tues­day, her cam­paign web­site called the Min­neso­ta Demo­c­rat “the son of an Army vet­er­an and a retired Com­mand Sergeant Major in the Army Nation­al Guard him­self.” 
Two days lat­er, Walz’s online biog­ra­phy has been changed to label him as “the son of an Army vet­er­an who served as a com­mand sergeant major.”
The seem­ing­ly minor update comes after intense scruti­ny of Walz revealed that the Min­nesotan did not retire as a com­mand sergeant major. Walz spe …