Har­ris shuts down anti-Israel pro­test­ers at cam­paign stop: ‘I’m speak­ing’

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris said an old phrase to shut down pro­test­ers at a cam­paign stop in Michi­gan, telling them, “I’m speak­ing.”
Some pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers began shout­ing at Har­ris dur­ing her cam­paign stop in Detroit on Wednes­day. At first, she acknowl­edged their right to protest, as did Pres­i­dent Joe Biden at a cam­paign event when he was still in the race. 
“I’m here because we believe in democ­ra­cy. Everyone’s voice mat­ters,” she said. “But I am speak­ing now. I am speak­ing now.”
When they did not qui­et down, she said, “You know what? If you want Don­ald Trump to win, then say that. Oth­er­wise, I’m speak­ing.” 
After the line about Trump, the crowd loud­ly cheered for her and began chant­i­ng “Kamala” to drown out pro­test­ers. The pro­test­ers were then escort­ed out of the event, accord­ing to NBC News.

Har­ris to pro­test­ers …