Hol­ly­wood Goes Gaga For Kamala

Hollywood Goes Gaga For Kamala

They can’t help them­selves.
Every four years Hol­ly­wood puts the remains of its dig­ni­ty in a cool, dry place and shills for the Demo­c­rat du jour.
Ker­ry. Oba­ma. Clin­ton. Biden. And now Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris.
They most­ly kept qui­et in the wan­ing days of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s final pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. Sure, Mark Hamill yukked it up with White House Spokesper­son Karine Jean-Pierre and late-night pro­pa­gan­dists passed the hat for Biden.
No! He’s fine, not frozen! He’s just audi­tion­ing for the Tin Man role next week.
Most stars kept on the side­lines, like­ly aware of Biden’s cog­ni­tive decline. Now, they’re rush­ing to the near­est micro­phone or Zoom cam­era to sing Har­ris’ prais­es.
She’s black! She’s a woman! She’s Indi­an! She’s not orange! She doesn’t have to call it a day at 4:00 pm! Did we men­tion she’s a woman?
Arturo Holmes/Getty Images the Gor­don Parks Foun­da­tion
Ben Stiller’s pro-Har­ris shtick could make y …