Hunter Biden whistle­blow­ers blast IRS for mov­ing to block them from law­suit

Hunter Biden whistleblowers blast IRS for moving to block them from lawsuit

A pair of Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice agents once involved in the fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tion of Hunter Biden accused their employ­er of improp­er­ly attempt­ing to shut them out of a law­suit between the first son and the IRS, accord­ing to court papers filed Wednes­day.
The two vet­er­an IRS crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tors, Gary Shap­ley and Joseph Ziegler, argued through their attor­neys that they should be per­mit­ted to inter­vene in the law­suit that Hunter Biden brought against the IRS in Sep­tem­ber 2023.
“When cou­pled with the fact that the IRS has already retal­i­at­ed against Shap­ley and Ziegler, it is hard­ly a stretch to say the IRS has an inher­ent and insti­tu­tion­al con­flict of inter­est that at the very least should be reme­died by per­mit­ting Shap­ley and Ziegler to inter­vene and to raise appro­pri­ate argu­ments for this Court’s con­sid­er­a­tion,” the attor­neys wrote.
Shap­ley and Ziegler approached Con­gress last year with alle­ga­tions that the IRS and the Depart­ment of Jus­tice Tax …