Jus­tice Depart­ment ordered to answer for Jan. 6 killing of Ash­li Bab­bitt

Justice Department ordered to answer for Jan. 6 killing of Ashli Babbitt

A fed­er­al judge has ordered the Jus­tice Depart­ment to “answer” charges in a $30 mil­lion wrong­ful death suit on behalf of Ash­li Bab­bitt, the 35-year-old Trump sup­port­er shot dead as she entered a lob­by just off the House floor dur­ing the Jan. 6 Capi­tol riots.
In a sign that the case filed by Babbitt’s estate and Wash­ing­ton-based Judi­cial Watch has been green­light­ed, U.S. Dis­trict Court Judge Ana C. Reyes gave the gov­ern­ment a month to address four of the sev­en counts in the law­suit.
Those four include the “wrong­ful” death count as well as neg­li­gence and assault and bat­tery claims against then‑U.S. Capi­tol Police Lt. Michael Byrd.
The judge also said she would lis­ten to fur­ther pleas from Judi­cial Watch to have the tri­al heard in San Diego, home to Babbitt’s hus­band. A court there sent the case to Wash­ing­ton, where most of the Jan. 6 cas­es have been heard.
“Ash­li Babbitt’s fam­i­ly is thrilled the $30 mil­lion wrong­ful death law­suit for her out­ra­geous killing is mov­ing full speed ahead,” Judi­cial Watch Pres­i­dent Tom Fi …