Left­ist Cen­sor­ship Car­tel GARM Dis­bands Fol­low­ing Musk Law­suit, Ben Shapiro Tes­ti­mo­ny

Leftist Censorship Cartel GARM Disbands Following Musk Lawsuit, Ben Shapiro Testimony

The World Fed­er­a­tion of Adver­tis­ers has dis­band­ed a group that worked to ensure com­pa­nies only adver­tise with “respon­si­ble” media out­lets, hours after it was sued by X and Rum­ble.
WFA chief exec­u­tive Stephan Loerke wrote to mem­bers on Thurs­day that the “dis­con­tin­u­ing” of the Glob­al Alliance for Respon­si­ble Media (GARM) ini­tia­tive was “not made light­ly,” Busi­ness Insid­er report­ed.
His let­ter added that he believes GARM will pre­vail against the law­suits.
The shut­ter­ing comes weeks after Dai­ly Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro tes­ti­fied to Con­gress about evi­dence that GARM tar­get­ed con­ser­v­a­tive news out­lets. GARM count­ed almost all adver­tis­ing com­pa­nies as mem­bers, an …