Meg­yn Kel­ly Blasts Har­ris For ‘Decep­tive’ Edit­ing Of Trump Call With Walz Dur­ing Riots, Gov. Actu­al­ly Praised Pres­i­dent

Meg­yn Kel­ly blast­ed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris for the “decep­tive” edit­ing by her cam­paign of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s call with Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz from the 2020 riots in Min­neapo­lis.
Dur­ing the Sir­ius XM “The Meg­yn Kel­ly Show” pod­cast on Thurs­day, the host and Dai­ly Wire host Andrew Kla­van blast­ed Har­ris’ cam­paign for claim­ing that Trump praised Walz’s han­dling of the riots, when it was actu­al­ly the oth­er way around. (10:15) 
Kel­ly said the Har­ris cam­paign wasn’t being truth­ful, and the call was actu­al­ly Trump call­ing out Walz for screw­ing up while the city of Min­neapo­lis burned — before the gov­er­nor final­ly took Trump’s advice and called out the Nation­al Guard on the third day of …