Min­neso­ta Nation­al Guard Dis­putes Walz’s Mil­i­tary Biog­ra­phy, Con­firms He Didn’t Retire As Com­mand Sergeant Major

The Min­neso­ta Nation­al Guard has dis­put­ed Gov. Tim Walz’s claims about his mil­i­tary ser­vice, say­ing he did not retire as a com­mand sergeant major as he has said.
In a state­ment to Just The News, a spokesper­son for the Min­neso­ta Nation­al Guard con­firmed that Walz retired as a mas­ter sergeant “in 2005 for ben­e­fit pur­pos­es because he did not com­plete addi­tion­al course­work at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Acad­e­my.”
Walz claimed he retired from the Nation­al Guard as a com­mand sergeant major; the claim even appears in his offi­cial biog­ra­phy on the Min­neso­ta government’s web­site (archived here). Yet oth­er vet­er­ans hav …