MSNBC Selec­tive­ly Edits Vance To Label Him ‘Entire­ly False’ On Walz’s Mil­i­tary Record

The first rule of fact-check­ing is to exam­ine what the per­son you are fact-check­ing actu­al­ly said, but MSNBC’s Ali Velshi broke this sim­ple rule on Wednes­day as he guest-host­ed Alex Wag­n­er Tonight and took GOP vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee JD Vance out of con­text in order to rule him “entire­ly false” for con­demn­ing his Demo­c­ra­t­ic coun­ter­part, Tim Walz, for mis­rep­re­sent­ing his mil­i­tary ser­vice.

Velshi teed up a clip of Vance by claim­ing, “It does seem that both JD Va …