‘Nev­er went to war’: Walz ripped for say­ing he wants to ban guns he ‘car­ried in war’

<div>'Never went to war': Walz ripped for saying he wants to ban guns he 'carried in war'</div>

Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris’ run­ning mate, Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz, said he wants to ban guns he “car­ried in war” though he nev­er saw com­bat dur­ing his time in the Army Nation­al Guard and left the ser­vice after being informed that his unit would be deployed to Iraq.“I spent 25 years in the Army, and I hunt. I’ve been vot­ing for com­mon­sense leg­is­la­tion that pro­tects the Sec­ond Amend­ment, but we can do back­ground checks. We can research the impacts of gun vio­lence. We can make sure those weapons of war that I car­ried in war are only car­ried in war,” Walz said in a video post­ed by the Har­ris cam­paign on Tuesday.Walz joined the Army Nation­al Guard in 1981, retir­ing in 2005 from the 1st Bat­tal­ion, 125th Field Artiller …