Oliv­er ‘Far­cy’ Dar­cy Quits CNN to Put Out His Own Ranty Left­ist ‘News’ Let­ter

<div>Oliver 'Farcy' Darcy Quits CNN to Put Out His Own Ranty Leftist 'News' Letter</div>

Anoth­er red-hot Fox News hater is depart­ing CNN. Oliv­er Dar­cy — or as we call him, “Far­cy Dar­cy” — is going inde­pen­dent. You could count on Dar­cy to sym­pa­thize if you wish like the NAACP that Fox News could just be banned. Because you want to “save democ­ra­cy.”
You could get the so-called CNN “Reli­able Sources” newslet­ter for free, but Michael Gryn­baum of the New York Times reports sub­scrip­tions to the new Dar­cy newslet­ter, sim­ply called “Sta­tus,” will begin at $15 a month or $150 per year; an elite mem­ber­ship, with perks like pri­vate Zoom calls, is avail­able for $595 annu­al­ly.
Some­one appar­ent­ly thinks a pri­vate Zoom call with Far­cy Dar­cy is a “perk” worth $595. Here’s who Dar­cy’s left­ist com­men­tary attracts: Kei­th Olber­mann, who lament­ed “Well there goes one of the few use­ful reporters @cnn.” Howard Pol­skin of The Right­ing newslet­ter gushed “Dar­cy is a sharp word­smith who knows how to make words dance.”
In recent years, Dar­cy ripped into the new regime of CEO Chris Licht, who lame­ly attempt­ed to calm down the hyper­bole in CNN’s Trump cov­er­age. Dur­ing the recent Re …