Another red-hot Fox News hater is departing CNN. Oliver Darcy — or as we call him, “Farcy Darcy” — is going independent. You could count on Darcy to sympathize if you wish like the NAACP that Fox News could just be banned. Because you want to “save democracy.”
You could get the so-called CNN “Reliable Sources” newsletter for free, but Michael Grynbaum of the New York Times reports subscriptions to the new Darcy newsletter, simply called “Status,” will begin at $15 a month or $150 per year; an elite membership, with perks like private Zoom calls, is available for $595 annually.
Someone apparently thinks a private Zoom call with Farcy Darcy is a “perk” worth $595. Here’s who Darcy’s leftist commentary attracts: Keith Olbermann, who lamented “Well there goes one of the few useful reporters @cnn.” Howard Polskin of The Righting newsletter gushed “Darcy is a sharp wordsmith who knows how to make words dance.”
In recent years, Darcy ripped into the new regime of CEO Chris Licht, who lamely attempted to calm down the hyperbole in CNN’s Trump coverage. During the recent Re …