Poll: Major­i­ty Oppose Using U.S. Forces In Iran–Israel Con­flict

A poll pub­lished Tues­day from the Chica­go Coun­cil on Glob­al Affairs found that a major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans would oppose using U.S. forces to defend Israel in a poten­tial Iran–Israel con­flict. The poll found that 42 per­cent of the U.S. pub­lic would favor using Amer­i­can troops to defend Israel, while 56 per­cent would not. 

The poll also finds that only 55 per­cent of Repub­li­cans would favor Amer­i­can involve­ment in such a con­flict, com­pared to 35 per­cent of Democ­rats and inde­pen­dents. 

The Chica­go Council’s poll on the sub­ject demon­strates a shift from the last time it asked the ques­tion; in 2021, it found that 53 per­cent o …