Pro-Life Father Fac­ing 11 Years In Prison Says Biden DOJ Is Tar­get­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive Chris­tians

DETROIT—A father of two fac­ing more than a decade in prison over his par­tic­i­pa­tion in a peace­ful pro-life protest in Michi­gan said Wednes­day that he couldn’t fath­om spend­ing anoth­er week away from his wife and fam­i­ly.
Joel Cur­ry, of Sag­i­naw, Michi­gan, faces up to 11 years in fed­er­al prison and hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars in fines if con­vict­ed of a felony con­spir­a­cy against rights and FACE Act charge this month. His tri­al, along­side that of six co-defen­dants, began this week at the Theodore Levin cour­t­house in Detroit.
Cur­ry, a devout Chris­t­ian and pro-life advo­cate, was tar­get­ed by th …