Sen. J.D. Vance (R‑OH) is quickly finding his footing as a top messenger for former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign.
Vance received high marks for his solo press conference in Detroit and remarks to reporters as he approached Vice President Kamala Harris’s plane at the airport in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
“Extremely solid extemporaneous political IQ here,” Republican strategist Josh Holmes, a former adviser to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R‑KY), wrote on the social media website X. “Vance has barrel of the bat swings going here.”
National Review editor Rich Lowry described Vance as “inarguably a good spokesman for the ticket, and he’s shown it the last couple of days.”
“Pivot and attack, rinse and repeat,” Lowry continued (emphasis in the original). “That’s been the basic approach.”
“I wasn’t a fan of J.D. being the pick, but I like what I’ve seen over the past week,” a Republican operative told the Washington Examiner.
Vice presidential running mates are frequently deployed as attack dogs on the campaign trail, allowing the top of the ticket to remain presidential and above the fray. R …