Walz in 2010 said plan to curb Social Secu­ri­ty, increase retire­ment age was ‘very sim­i­lar’ to his approach

Walz in 2010 said plan to curb Social Security, increase retirement age was ‘very similar’ to his approach

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ run­ning mate, Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz, said in 2010 that his plan for Social Secu­ri­ty was “very sim­i­lar” to one that would increase the retire­ment age and adjust the cap on with­hold­ings. The Har­ris cam­paign is push­ing back after Fox News Dig­i­tal reviewed the unearthed clip from a debate Walz par­tic­i­pat­ed in dur­ing his 2010 re-elec­tion cam­paign for Con­gress. The debate was on Oct. 12, 2010, and was held at Min­neso­ta State Uni­ver­si­ty, Manka­to. Walz, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date and incum­bent, faced off against Inde­pen­dent can­di­date Steve Wil­son and Repub­li­can Randy Dem­mer. HARRIS VP PICK TIM WALZ’S TOP FIVE ‘WEIRD’ MOMENTS IN THE SPOT­LIGHTWil­son laid out his plan first, which dis­cussed grad­u­al­ly increas­ing the retire­ment age. Walz answered after, say­ing his approach would be “very sim­i­lar.” Har­ris for Pres­i­dent spokesper­son Joseph Costell …