Walz does­n’t move nee­dle with rur­al vot­ers, data shows

<div>Walz doesn't move needle with rural voters, data shows</div>

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ deci­sion to tap Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz as her run­ning mate may not help the Demo­c­ra­t­ic tick­et cap­ture rur­al voters.A Fox News Vot­er Analy­sis of the 2020 and 2022 elec­tions shows that Walz per­forms sim­i­lar­ly to Pres­i­dent Biden among high­ly sought after rur­al vot­ers, with Biden earn­ing the votes of 38% of that demo­graph­ic in Min­neso­ta in the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, while Walz hauled in 37% of those vot­ers dur­ing his suc­cess­ful 2022 bid for re-election.Democrats will look to improve upon those num­bers, with Har­ris and Walz hit­ting the ground run­ning in the days after the Min­neso­ta gov­er­nor was added to the tick­et, set­ting up events in cru­cial Mid­west­ern swing states and look­ing to sell the elec­torate on Walz’s blue-col­lar bona fides. WHERE DOES TIM WALZ STAND ON ISRAEL?The cam­paign has made it a point to hig …