YouTube Bans Steven Crow­der Until This Con­ve­nient Date. Hint: Not Until 2024 Elec­tion

Come­di­an and pod­cast host Steven Crow­der says that YouTube “essen­tial­ly” banned him until elec­tion day.

Crowder’s chan­nel received strikes on no few­er than eight videos, includ­ing one post­ed in 2023, he announced in videos post­ed Mon­day on X. Google-owned YouTube report­ed­ly accused Crow­der of com­mit­ting “harass­ment and cyber­bul­ly­ing” and “hate speech.” 

Crow­der called the cen­sor­ship “star­tling­ly dark,” and accused Google of “the direct sup­pres­sion of your vote through mis­in­for­ma­tion, through cen­sor­ship, through for­bid­ding you from find­ing infor­ma­tion.”

The videos are relat­ed to the 2024 …