Afghanistan res­cue oper­a­tion lead­ers attach Har­ris to dis­as­trous with­draw­al: ‘Blood on her hands’

Peo­ple involved in extra­dit­ing Amer­i­cans from Afghanistan after the Biden-Har­ris administration’s with­draw­al con­nect­ed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s role with the out­come.

Chad Robichaux, author and for­mer Force Recon Marine, led an effort to extract over 17,000 peo­ple from Afghanistan fol­low­ing the country’s falling to Tal­iban rule, accord­ing to his web­site. Refer­ring to Harris’s claim that she was the “last per­son in the room” with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden before he ordered the with­draw­al, Robichaux said she was an inte­gral play­er in the ensu­ing dis­as­ter.

“Kamala can’t detach her­self from the cat­a­stroph­ic Afghanistan with­draw­al,” he said. “She was the vice pres­i­dent, the last per­son in the room with the pres­i­dent dur­ing deci­sion time, and she has had three years … includ­ing the last weeks of her can­di­da­cy to speak up. “

“If she wasn’t respon­si­ble as Vice Pres­i­dent then spea …