Ani­ta Dunn blames ‘hor­ri­ble attacks’ by Democ­rats and press for forc­ing Biden out

Ani­ta Dunn, a for­mer senior advis­er to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, thought his June 27 debate per­for­mance wasn’t the rea­son for his campaign’s demise.
The night­mare event would have been sal­vage­able, Dunn said, but that the media’s reac­tion and the way Democ­rats turned on him and pres­sured him to aban­don seek­ing reelec­tion was what tipped him over the edge. Biden dropped out of the pres­i­den­tial race and endorsed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris on July 21, less than a month after he debat­ed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
“It was a bad debate, but it didn’t feel cat­a­stroph­ic at all, cer­tain­ly in terms of vot­ers,” Dunn told Politi­co. “This cam­paign had been fair­ly sta­t­ic for a long time, and the debate didn’t change that. What did change it was 24 days of unremit­ting neg­a­tive, …