Ari­zona Kamala Har­ris ral­ly speak­ers court ‘John McCain Repub­li­cans’ sup­port; man brings bor­der map for VP

<div>Arizona Kamala Harris rally speakers court 'John McCain Republicans' support; man brings border map for VP</div>

With Ari­zona front and cen­ter in the 2024 elec­tion, intro­duc­to­ry speak­ers at Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris’ ral­ly in Glen­dale made over­tures to mod­er­ate Repub­li­cans by invok­ing one of the GOP’s past pres­i­den­tial nominees.Rep. Gre­go­ry Stan­ton, D‑Ariz., who rep­re­sents the east­ern Phoenix sub­urbs, called on “John McCain Repub­li­cans” to sup­port the Har­ris-Walz tick­et, por­tray­ing it as the mod­er­ate option.Mesa Repub­li­can May­or John Giles echoed those com­ments, say­ing that as a life­long mem­ber of the GOP, he does not rec­og­nize his party.“It has been tak­en over by extrem­ists,” Giles said, adding it also has forced “peo­ple from the [polit­i­cal] cen­ter” out of the party.AZ’ KARI LAKE TEARS INTO KAMALA HARRIS ON BORDER: THE ONLY WALZ SHE SUPPORTS IS HER VP PICK“You don’t owe a damn thing to that polit­i­cal par­ty,” Giles added, say­ing it would be “dis­placed loy­al­ty” to sup­port Don­ald …