CNN’s Sara Sid­ner Mis-Cor­rects GOP Guest on Min­neso­ta Crime Surge Under Walz

On Wednes­day morn­ing, CNN News Cen­tral host Sara Sid­ner wrong­ly tried to cor­rect her Repub­li­can guest, House Major­i­ty Whip Tom Emmer, when the Min­neso­ta con­gress­man informed view­ers that crime in the state has surged since Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov­er­nor Tim Walz came into office in 2019. 

After Emmer com­plained about Gov­er­nor Walz’s record on sev­er­al issues, Sid­ner recalled that the Demo­c­rat was reelect­ed in 2022 as evi­dence of approval by vot­ers and posed: “But why do you think Minne …