Col­umn: You Can’t Can­cel Tim Walz’s Rad­i­cal­ism with Camo Hats or Ice Fish­ing

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris select­ed Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz as her Demo­c­rat run­ning mate, offer­ing a bal­ance of dif­fer­ent races and gen­ders – if you’re one of those tra­di­tion­al­ists who still believes in those bina­ries. But their ide­ol­o­gy is a pret­ty strong match. Walz is espe­cial­ly “pro­gres­sive” on abor­tion on demand, on push­ing “gen­der-affirm­ing care” for kids, and on fawn­ing over ille­gal immi­grants with tax­pay­er-fund­ed ben­e­fits like free col­lege tuition.

They’ll claim Walz rep­re­sents “Mid­west­ern val­ues,” and t …