Ex-Har­ris boyfriend denies Trump’s claims about VP and ’emer­gency’ heli­copter land­ing

Ex-Harris boyfriend denies Trump’s claims about VP and ’emergency’ helicopter landing

For­mer San Fran­cis­co May­or Willie Brown pushed back on com­ments for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump made about an alleged heli­copter ride the two shared and his rela­tion­ship with Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris.
Dur­ing a Mar-a-Lago press con­fer­ence on Thurs­day that last­ed over an hour, Trump cov­ered a host of top­ics. Among them was an anec­dote about Brown that the Cal­i­for­nia Demo­c­rat says nev­er hap­pened. 

Trump talks to reporters dur­ing a news con­fer­ence at his Mar-a-Lago estate Thurs­day, Aug. 8, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alex Bran­don)

“I went down in a heli­copter with him. We thought maybe this was the end,” Trump said. “We were in a heli­copter going to a cer­tain loca­tion togeth­er, and there was an emer­gency land­ing. This was not a pleas­ant land­ing.”
Brown respond­ed to the com­ments lat­er on Thurs­day, telling the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle, “I’ve nev­er been on a heli­co …