FLASHBACK: Walz backed ‘alter­na­tives to polic­ing’ pack­age at height of defund move­ment

<div>FLASHBACK: Walz backed 'alternatives to policing' package at height of defund movement</div>

Days after the city of Min­neapo­lis was crip­pled by vio­lent riots after the death of George Floyd and at the height of the “defund the police move­ment,” Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz endorsed a pack­age of pro­gres­sive police reforms that includ­ed “alter­na­tives to policing.”“Minnesotans are demand­ing real change,” Walz said dur­ing a June 11, 2020, press con­fer­ence endors­ing a police reform pack­age put togeth­er by the Min­neso­ta Peo­ple of Col­or and Indige­nous (POCI) Cau­cus. He called it one of his “leg­isla­tive priorities.”“We stand unit­ed with House and Sen­ate lead­ers and the Peo­ple of Col­or and Indige­nous Cau­cus, ready to get to work dur­ing the upcom­ing spe­cial ses­sion. I stand with the leg­is­la­tors who have coor­di­nat­ed a pow­er­ful set of reforms to make mean­ing­ful changes to our law enforce­ment sys­tem in Minnesota.“A dai­ly update that year from the Min­neso­ta H …