Gas prices: Anoth­er decrease at the pumps head­ing into the week­end

Gas prices: Another decrease at the pumps heading into the weekend

Gas prices dropped again on Fri­day, mark­ing yet anoth­er day of decreas­es at the pumps. Friday’s dip result­ed in gas prices cost­ing over six cents per gal­lon less than a month ago. 
Friday’s decrease meant the aver­age price for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas in the Unit­ed States was $3.454, accord­ing to AAA. This was a very slight decrease from Thurs­day, when it cost $3.455. Prices are also cheap­er now than a week ago, when they cost $3.481, and a month ago when they cost $3.519.
Gas prices remain an impor­tant issue head­ing into the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. With Biden decid­ing not to seek reelec­tion, Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris, now the like­ly Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee, will have to indi­cate how she will address the country’s high gas prices and ener­gy costs an …