Matt Walsh Defends Joe Rogan After He Takes Flak Over Reports Claim­ing He Endorsed RFK Jr.

Dai­ly Wire host Matt Walsh defend­ed pod­cast giant Joe Rogan on Fri­day after reports claim­ing Rogan endorsed inde­pen­dent can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. led to some on the Right blast­ing him for not back­ing Don­ald Trump.
Rogan pushed back on the reports on Fri­day, but not before mul­ti­ple high­ly fol­lowed Right-wing social media users slammed the come­di­an. Walsh respond­ed to the back­lash from some con­ser­v­a­tives to reports of Rogan endors­ing Kennedy, say­ing those “dis­own­ing him today for say­ing nice things about RFK Jr are act­ing fool­ish­ly at best.” Walsh has been a guest on Rogan’s show, which remains the top pod­cast in the world …