Michigan’s Dem AG Threat­ens To Pros­e­cute Woman Over ‘Mis­lead­ing’ Social Media Posts

A Michi­gan res­i­dent was stunned to find a cease-and-desist let­ter from Demo­c­ra­t­ic Attor­ney Gen­er­al Dana Nes­sel ear­li­er this week that threat­ened legal action after the woman had pub­lished social media posts alert­ing vot­ers to a change in vot­ing loca­tions in Ross Town­ship and alleg­ing the town­ship did not fol­low the law on noti­fy­ing res­i­dents. 
Ker­ry Lynn Eli­eff, who lives in Ross Town­ship, near Kala­ma­zoo, told The Dai­ly Wire that the cease and desist order didn’t spec­i­fy which post broke the law but demand­ed that she delete all “mis­lea …