Mike Rogers sends cease-and-desist let­ter to stop Elis­sa Slotkin ad

The cam­paign team of Michi­gan GOP Sen­ate can­di­date Mike Rogers sent dozens of cease-and-desist let­ters to TV sta­tions regard­ing an ad from Rep. Elis­sa Slotkin (D‑MI).
The let­ter writ­ten by cam­paign lawyers William J. McGin­ley and Michael Bayes states that Slotkin, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for Sen­ate, pushed two false nar­ra­tives about the for­mer con­gress­man. 
The ad first accus­es Rogers of car­pet­bag­ging, stat­ing that at the end of his term in Con­gress in 2015, Rogers “left office and left Michi­gan for good.” Rogers did pur­chase a home in Flori­da, but he has since returned to Michi­gan and is reg­is­tered to vote in the state.
“Mike Rogers is a tax­pay­ing res­i­dent of the State of M …