Min­neso­ta riots con­tin­ued after Walz took ‘respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure’ there wouldn’t be chaos

Minnesota riots continued after Walz took ‘responsibility to ensure’ there wouldn’t be chaos

Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris’ run­ning mate, Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz, claimed respon­si­bil­i­ty for pre­vent­ing riots in Min­neapo­lis in the spring of 2020 as the city spi­raled into chaos and destruc­tion, recent­ly unearthed com­ments show. “The respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure it does­n’t hap­pen falls upon me, and I will do every­thing in my pow­er to do that,” Walz told the media on May 29, 2020, when asked if “we’re not going to see a repeat of the unrest last night, tonight or for the rest of the weekend.“Walz not­ed that he couldn’t “assure” the media that riots wouldn’t con­tin­ue to unfold, but he high­light­ed that it was his per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty to work to pre­vent destruction.“As I said, I spent, myself, 24 years in the Nation­al Guard. I’m sur­round­ed by good peo­ple. We’re pulling the assets, and I’m going to need t …