Morn­ing Joe Turns Upside Down: Kamala Is Rea­gan, Trump Is Biden

Morning Joe Turns Upside Down: Kamala Is Reagan, Trump Is Biden

It must be exhaust­ing at Morn­ing Joe, con­stant­ly tap­danc­ing on the DNC par­ty line, cel­e­brat­ing how Kamala Har­ris is tremen­dous again today. 
It turned upside down on Fri­day. In The World Accord­ing to Morn­ing Joe, Kamala is Rea­gan, Trump is Biden.
Joe Scar­bor­ough kicked off today’s show by approv­ing­ly quot­ing this bit from Peg­gy Noo­nan’s cur­rent Wall Street Jour­nal col­umn [empha­sis added]:

“For the first time this week I thought peo­ple were won­der­ing about the impact of Mr. Trump’s age. He is 78. He hasn’t been able to focus, make his case. Is he, in anoth­er irony of 2024, turn­ing into Joe Biden?”

What an insight. The Democ­rats dumped Biden, and now they shame­less­ly say Trump is the Cog­ni­tive Decline Guy. A bit lat­er, Kat­ty Kay claimed:

“There’s a lot more kind of sun­ny Rea­gan abou …