MRC Pres­i­dent Brent Bozell Mocks Media Talk of Tim Walz the ‘Mod­er­ate’ Demo­c­rat

<div>MRC President Brent Bozell Mocks Media Talk of Tim Walz the 'Moderate' Democrat</div>

MRC founder and pres­i­dent Brent Bozell appeared Thurs­day morn­ing on Var­ney & Co. show on Fox Busi­ness. Host Stu­art Var­ney played some fun­ny clips of Democ­rats claim­ing Tim Walz wasn’t a left­ist. For­mer Sen. Claire McCaskill claimed he was elect­ed in a “very mod­er­ate” House dis­trict. Ex-Kamala spokesman Jamal Sim­mons said Walz was a “cud­dly choice” to “make every­one feel safe.”
But the fun­ni­est was for­mer Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi on Morn­ing Joe: “To char­ac­ter­ize him as Left is so unre­al…. …