‘We are suf­fer­ing’: Omar chal­lenger rips Walz for push­ing same ‘dan­ger­ous’ poli­cies as ‘Squad’

<div>'We are suffering': Omar challenger rips Walz for pushing same 'dangerous' policies as 'Squad'</div>

MINNEAPOLIS — “Squad” mem­ber Ilhan Omar’s GOP chal­lenger is warn­ing Amer­i­cans being new­ly intro­duced to Gov. Tim Walz that she believes his poli­cies as gov­er­nor are just as pro­gres­sive as those of the con­tro­ver­sial Min­neso­ta con­gress­woman. “He’s behind her 100%,” GOP con­gres­sion­al can­di­date Dalia Al-Aqi­di told Fox News Dig­i­tal about Walz’s ties to her oppo­nent, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rep. Ilhan Omar.“Look at the Squad, the first peo­ple, the first politi­cians who sup­port­ed his nom­i­na­tion were the far-left, with the pro­gres­sives post­ing on social media the pho­tos of Walz,” Al-Aqi­di said. “Our attor­ney gen­er­al, Kei­th Elli­son. They were cel­e­brat­ing this, think­ing that this is good for our coun­try. No, we don’t want social­ism in our coun­try. It faile …