Polit­i­cal ad spend­ing for 2024 Sen­ate races expect­ed to shat­ter records

Political ad spending for 2024 Senate races expected to shatter records

Cam­paign adver­tis­ing for Sen­ate races in Ohio, Penn­syl­va­nia, and Mon­tana will dom­i­nate invest­ments this 2024 elec­tion cycle, sig­nal­ing the most impor­tant bat­tle­grounds for con­trol of the upper cham­ber.
So far there have been $723 mil­lion worth of cam­paign ad buys for the three states, accord­ing to AdIm­pact data, report­ed by Axios. The fig­ures include ad reser­va­tions made as of Aug. 7 through Elec­tion Day.
Most of the mon­ey is going to the Ohio Sen­ate race where Sen. Sher­rod Brown (D‑OH) is embroiled in one of the most high-stakes reelec­tion bat­tles against GOP oppo­nent Bernie Moreno. The race has become 2024’s first non-pres­i­den­tial race to exceed $300 mil­lion in spend­ing, and it’s also one of the most expen­sive races that the polit­i­cal ad track­ing firm has seen.
The only state in which Repub­li­cans have been out­spend­ing Democ­rats on cam­paign ads and reser­va­tions is Ohio, where they have spent $158.4 mil­lion com­pared to $152 mil­lion from Democ­rats. The major­i­ty of the cash is com­ing in from out­side groups such as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Duty and Hon­or group, which invest­ed $28.7 mil­lion and rep­re­sents 51% of Demo­c­ra­t­ic spend­ing, while the Repub­li­can group One Nation spent $27 …