Tim Walz tak­ing his pro­gres­sive record in Min­neso­ta nation­wide

Tim Walz taking his progressive record in Minnesota nationwide

I grew up in Min­neso­ta and used to work for the state GOP. I’m a bit sur­prised to see Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris choose Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN) as her run­ning mate. He boasts a pro­gres­sive record, and a poor one, at that. Plus, she didn’t real­ly need Minnesota’s elec­toral votes — she had already spiked 10 points. But Har­ris like­ly could have ben­e­fit­ed from pair­ing with Gov. Josh Shapiro (D‑PA).
Still, Harris’s choice means some­thing — and it’s not good. Democ­rats aren’t hid­ing how far to the left they want to go any­more. With Walz at her side, it’s clear Har­ris and the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty are going full speed ahead in a more pro­gres­sive direc­tion. 
Tim Walz, pro­gres­sive mod­el
Walz’s pro­gres­sive record pro­vides insight into how he would act as vice pres­i­dent. It should be clar­i­fy­ing for Repub­li­cans, if not down­right scary. …