Trump Walks Toward The Fire. Kamala Hides In The Base­ment.

On Thurs­day, Don­ald Trump proved that he was per­fect­ly will­ing to go out in front of a wild­ly adver­sar­i­al press.
He tried to reset the table, and he was suc­cess­ful because the focus in this cam­paign can­not be one of those ran­dom Fes­tivus griev­ances that Trump has against Bri­an Kemp in Geor­gia. And it can­not be ques­tions about Kamala Har­ris’ black­ness or any­thing of the like.
It must be about Har­ris’ cam­paign as the most Left-wing tick­et in the his­to­ry of Amer­i­can pol­i­tics.
Trump’s task yes­ter­day was twofold. His first task was to demon­strate he is wi …