Viral Har­ris-Walz camo hat rais­es $1 mil­lion, draws NRA scorn

Viral Harris-Walz camo hat raises  million, draws NRA scorn

The viral cam­ou­flage hat sport­ed by Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz short­ly after he accept­ed the nom­i­na­tion has raised close to $1 mil­lion for the Har­ris campaign.A cam­ou­flage hat with orange embroi­dery spelling out “Harris/Walz” hit the offi­cial Har­ris cam­paign store after Walz was pic­tured wear­ing it Tues­day, sell­ing out its ini­tial inven­to­ry of 3,000 hats in a half hour and rais­ing near­ly $1 mil­lion for the cam­paign, accord­ing to a report in the Wash­ing­ton Post.Walz, who has long pub­licly tout­ed his hunt­ing abil­i­ty, has made numer­ous pub­lic appear­ances over the years sport­ing a camo hat, mak­ing the item a nat­ur­al fit for the cam­paign store. The hat also sig­nals the strat­e­gy of the Har­ris cam­paign, which has sough …