Walz accu­sa­tions of ‘stolen val­or’ prompt bat­tle between House vet­er­ans

<div>Walz accusations of 'stolen valor' prompt battle between House veterans</div>

Con­tro­ver­sy over Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz’s mil­i­tary ser­vice record is at the heart of Capi­tol Hill’s lat­est polit­i­cal firestorm, with vet­er­ans on both sides of the aisle chim­ing in on the new Demo­c­ra­t­ic vice pres­i­den­tial candidate.Republicans are accus­ing Walz of mis­rep­re­sent­ing details about his 24-year career in the Nation­al Guard — GOP law­mak­ers who served in the mil­i­tary have attacked him for leav­ing the Nation­al Guard to run for Con­gress short­ly before his unit deployed to Iraq.Democratic vet­er­ans in Con­gress jumped to his defense, point­ing out that Walz served past his 20-year retire­ment eli­gi­bil­i­ty mark and dis­miss­ing the GOP attacks as baseless.“The vet­er­ans’ com­mu­ni­ty is incensed r …