Con­struc­tion Super­in­ten­dent Arrives On Site To Point And Nod At Things

TEMPE, AZ — Local man Matt Dawkins arrived at his team’s con­struc­tion site this morn­ing to car­ry out his duties as super­in­ten­dent, spend­ing rough­ly thir­ty min­utes point­ing and nod­ding at things.
The con­struc­tion crew watched in awe as Dawkins expert­ly sur­veyed the site, point­ing here and there. “I’m so glad he’s here. This is so help­ful,” said con­struc­tion work­er Har­vey Smith. “He’s just so good at point­ing and nod­ding, it real­ly moves the project along. Oh look, he’s …