Free Bea­con Edi­tor Cor­rects PBS Claim ‘There’s No Evi­dence’ Walz Padded Mil­i­tary Resume

Wash­ing­ton Free Bea­con edi­tor-in-chief Eliana John­son was forced to cor­rect PBS News Hour host Amna Nawaz on Fri­day after the lat­ter claimed “there’s no evi­dence” Demo­c­ra­t­ic VP nom­i­nee Tim Walz has embell­ished his mil­i­tary resume. John­son cor­rect­ly point­ed out that, on the con­trary, “there’s no ques­tion” he has “padded and inflat­ed his resume.”

Nawaz began by doing the same dis­hon­est trick that MSNBC’s Ali Velshi did, by play­ing a clip of Walz’s GOP coun­ter­part, JD Vance, accus …