Har­ris promis­es to end tax­es on tips for restau­rant work­ers, echo­ing Trump

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris pledged to end tax­es on tips for ser­vice indus­try employ­ees, a cam­paign promise for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump also made two months ear­li­er.
Har­ris made the com­mit­ment Sat­ur­day night at a ral­ly in Las Vegas, the same city in which Trump intro­duced the idea to the 2024 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign at his own ral­ly on June 9.
“It is my promise to every­one here, when I am pres­i­dent, we will con­tin­ue our fight for work­ing fam­i­lies of Amer­i­ca,” Har­ris said, “includ­ing to raise the min­i­mum wage and elim­i­nate tax­es on tips for ser­vice and hos­pi­tal­i­ty work­ers.”
The remark drew cheers from the audi­ence at the Thomas & Mack Cen­ter in Nevada’s most pop­u­lous city, but Trump did not receive it as well. He claimed in a post on Truth Social that Har­ris “has no ideas, she can only steal from me.”
“Kamala Har­ris, whose ‘Hon­ey­moon’ peri­od …