Kamala Har­ris Promis­es Amnesty for Mil­lions of Ille­gal Aliens, Nation­wide Mail-In Vot­ing

Kamala Harris Promises Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens, Nationwide Mail-In Voting

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris is vow­ing to sign leg­is­la­tion as pres­i­dent that would have mil­lions of ille­gal aliens even­tu­al­ly secur­ing nat­u­ral­ized Amer­i­can cit­i­zen­ship and impos­ing nation­wide no-excuse mail-in vot­ing.
Dur­ing a ral­ly in Glen­dale, Ari­zona, Har­ris said she would back amnesty for the nation’s 11 to 22 mil­lion ille­gal aliens through so-called “com­pre­hen­sive refor …